Different Ways to Compliment a BBW Correctly


A BBW is not different from any other woman on earth. I know you will be thinking that they are different because they are very big when compared to other women who are smallish in stature. When it comes to complimenting then, suave and nice words are very important but there must be a little discretion.

If you are with her face to face or want to know her online for the first time, make sure you know the right and wrong way so as to maximize a good result. Definitely compliment a BBW online, especially when you’re using the dating site.

  • “When:” Timing of the Compliment

You can just make a short note of when you want to compliment her. For instance, you can start with, “You are gorgeous.”

This can work with some women but bad timing can throw things off balance. Sure, you can have a series of things to say about BBW but what’s the right time to do so? Giving a compliment in every sentence could sound weird. Make it natural. For instance, if she flicks her hair, you can compliment her luscious locks. When she licks her lips, let her know that she has pretty lips. Make sure you are subtle in each of your statements.

  • “What and How”

The key is to know what to say. There are some compliments that work well and give you expected results. When all is said and done, you want to see your BBW smiling, blushing and saying thank you. You always want to make her feel good. This can let her know that you are truly interested in her.

  • Non-Looks-Based Compliments

If you want to compliment a BBW on more than just her looks, then that’s a good step toward a more meaningful conversation. Since you already know that she’s beautiful, avoid making constant compliments about her looks so that it will not look as if you are flattering her insincerely. She is big, but stop using words like “big” or “large” or other similar descriptions of just her size. She knows what her body type is already, so you do not need to advertise it. Rather, compliment her on other areas, features that aren’t just parts of her body. Here are some suggested areas:

Her Smartness

If she says she got a Harvard degree, tell her she must be intelligent and clever. Just make sure that you are genuine in your compliment.

Her Fitness

She could have a real talent for staying healthy and for sports. Give her a true compliment for this. Do not just believe that she cannot be sporty due to her size. If she has experiences with endurance sports or any other sort, commend her effort. Just a simple ‘well done’ or ‘wow’ will go a long way.

Her Bravery

If you discovered that she did a feat that required deep bravery, such as jumping out of a plane or speaking publicly, then tell her that you appreciate her efforts. Let her know that she is very brave in what she did and that you are proud of her. Remember that bigger women generally encounter some challenges which the slimmer woman find much easier. Therefore, take that into consideration when you are commending her. Make sure you don’t over-stress that she is a big girl. Just marvel at all what she has done so far.

Commend Her Skills

It is possible that the BBW you are going out may have a particular type of skill or responsibilities. She could be living alone or be a single mother. She could be doing all manner of odd jobs including household chores that are commonly done by men. Just commend her effort on this and ask her if she can show you how to do any of it one day. She could be someone that works as an electrician. Anything she does, make sure you do not underrate her effort. No matter the simplicity of the job, compliment her.

Party Animal

If you discovered that she is full of merriment, commend it. Let her know that you love the way she makes you laugh. The best way to compliment a BBW is to laugh together with her.

Her Creativity

If you discover that she is creative in everything, compliment her. But be very sensitive to her feelings. If she’s creative with her hair or clothes, tell her that you love that or she is looking amazing.

Compliment Her for the Hell of It

The effective way to remove complexity from the way you commend a BBW is to complement her because she worth it. Just compliment her without any reason. With this, she will know that you are deeply affected by her.


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